

作者:本站编辑      2024-03-29 15:06:43     3

Evolution of the Liquor Industry Driven by New Quality Productive Forces

Whether viewed through the lens of Marxist economics or Western economic theory, the essential drivers of economic and social progress have long been identified as land, labor, capital, management, technology, and information. In the era of agricultural economics, it was the fundamental elements of land and labor that propelled economic growth. Transitioning into the industrial age, the engines of growth shifted to encompass capital, labor, and land. And now, in the digital epoch, it is information, technology, and management that fuel economic expansion.
The digital realm predominantly comprises information, technology, management, and the digitization, creditization, and intangibility of capital and labor, alongside artificial and natural resource elements. It's apparent that within contemporary economic landscapes, digital components have steadily evolved into the foremost catalysts propelling socioeconomic advancement.

The digital landscape comprises a set of elements that are characterized by five distinct traits. Firstly, they exhibit a lightweight nature, allowing for swift and convenient transmission. Secondly, they possess intangibility, being compressible and not exclusive in space. Thirdly, they demonstrate non-dissipative properties, with potential for universal utilization and endless renewal. Fourthly, they are marked by integration, as multiple digital elements can be combined and fragmented to forge new ones. Finally, they boast infinite value-added potential, whereby even a modest investment in digital elements can overhaul traditional industries and spawn entirely novel sectors, fostering exponential economic growth.

The liquor industry belongs to the category of traditional industries Plus, encompassing activities from cultivating and harvesting raw materials seeds, to production, processing, aging, and market circulation, as well as scientific consumption. The industry chain of liquor, vertically, spans across the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, constituting the longest and most widely distributed physical production chain. Horizontally, within the primary industry chain, activities such as breeding of superior varieties and genetic improvement involve myriads of scientific and technological elements; within the secondary industry chain, machinery, equipment, and process formulations entail significant technological, financial, and scientific information elements; within the tertiary industry chain, intensive and rapid circulation, scientific and healthy consumption, similarly involve a substantial amount of information, technology, management, credit, and intellectual elements, which are part of the digitized new quality elements.

To propel the development of the liquor industry through the application of new quality elements, along the horizontal value chain and from the perspective of replacing traditional elements, we should strive to utilize new quality elements as much as possible, substituting and transforming traditional elements to achieve intrinsic production expansion. From the angle of optimizing process flows, technological and managerial elements can be employed to achieve process reengineering. Looking at increasing inputs of new quality elements and physical elements vertically, within the first and second production blocks, expanding the industry chain to drive liquor enterprises to achieve economies of scale. From the perspective of increasing inputs of new quality elements into the third block, seeking healthy and scientifically driven consumption, incentivizing more consumption to drive liquor production. By increasing new quality elements across the entire industry chain, creating healthy and green new products, enhancing the quality, variety, and quantity of liquor. Applying new quality elements in other aspects related to liquor outside the existing liquor industry chain, forming new liquor-related industries such as liquor VI, liquor medical, liquor entertainment, etc. Outside the current liquor-producing areas, increasing investment in new quality elements to enhance liquor-related industries and increase output. Within existing liquor categories, increasing investment in new quality elements to facilitate the interconnection and sharing of liquor elements, reducing the cost of individual liquor products. Investing in new quality elements in existing liquor and beverage products to create new liquor and beverage products, and so forth, driving the development of the liquor industry.

Researching the role and advancement pathways of new quality elements in the liquor industry's development requires further attention. Various enterprises, depending on their developmental foundations, will prioritize and invest in new quality elements differently. Nevertheless, irrespective of their standing, a determined effort to augment investments in new quality elements will undoubtedly enhance enterprise standards, product quality, and output efficiency. Emphasizing and effectively utilizing these new quality elements presents a prime opportunity to propel the liquor industry forward. We trust that our comrades in the liquor industry will leverage these new quality productive forces to drive industry growth.


By Dr. Chen Zeming


March 16, 2024

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