

作者:本站编辑      2023-01-18 08:26:09     30




本次展会以“汇聚遂宁 展亮全球”为主题,将持续至1月17日,在为期5天的时间里,共有来自30个国家和地区、100多种美食、2000多种商品、40多种汽车品牌、300多种汽车参展,展场总面积达2.6万平方米。(业务二部供稿)

Wang Kewen attended the 1st Suining EMP.&EXP.Fair

and the 11th Suining International Automobile Exhibition

On January 13th, 2023, Ms. Wang Kewen attended the opening ceremony of the First Suining Import and Export Fair and the 11th Suining International Automobile Exhibition, and signed the cooperation framework agreement with Suining Tianyi Investment Group Co., Ltd. on behalf of China Overseas Development Association. Both two sides will carry out cooperation in logistics industry, exhibition economy, industrial investment and other fields.

With the theme of "Gathering in Suining, Shining to the World", the exhibition started on January 13th and will last until January 17th. During the five-day period, exhibits from 30 countries and regions will be exhibited on the area of 26,000 square meters, which including more than 100 kinds of food, 2,000 kinds of products, 40 kinds of car brands and 300 different cars. 



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